Goal Setting SMART Process

  When it comes to goal setting it can be quite demoralising when you consistently miss your goals. In this article we take a look at goal setting the SMART way. A proven method of goal setting that increases the likelihood of you achieving your goals smartlink.so. If you don't know much about SMART goal setting then you will find that achieving the results you desire becomes a whole lot harder. Not least because the SMART goal setting method gives you an easy to follow formula to follow.

Many people are in the habit of focusing on what it is they want out of life and this in turn causes them to notice what they don't have. This is because they are constantly comparing themselves to an external ideal. They compare themselves to the person with the six pack or the billionaire or the perfect actress.

When it comes to figuring out what you want having a formula that breaks down your goals to achievable steps is invaluable. You can still get that six pack but you may not do it in the next 6 months. This doesn't mean you cant make great strides towards it in the next 6 months. And that is exactly what the SMART Goal Setting process is about.

SMART Goals stands for:






As you can see, running your goals by the above five factors ( almost like a checklist) will have you on the goal achievement path in no time.

Is your goal specific enough or a generic wishy washy goal. I want to lose 20 pounds versus I want to lose weight

Is your goal measureable - do you have something you can track on a regular basis that tells you how close you are to your goals ( in this case how many pounds you lose a week)

Is your goal attainable. Can you lose 20 pounds, do you do the right exercises and eat right are you willing to put in the effort. This part of the SMART goal process is best looked at in conjunction with the next one...

Is your goal Realistic. Do you want to lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks. That's not realistic and therefore not attainable Study your goal, if you know that you can only lose 2 ponds a week and still be healthy then its going to take you a minimum of 10 weeks.

Finally Time. Have you set a time frame for when you will achieve the goal by. Of course this links with the two points above - is it realistic to achieve the goal in the time frame you set, is it possible to attain the goal in the time frame you set?

There are certain other things that you must do when it comes to goal setting the SMART way and below we offer some advice that you may find useful.

Smart homes are getting to be increasingly popular because of the convenience and security that it offers. For instance, the lights automatically dim when you want to watch a movie or the house automatically plays your favorite music when you want to just relax at home. Although converting your home into this kind of home automation may cost you a fortune, the advantages will prove to be worth the investment.

What is a Smart Home?

Defined simply, a smart home has all appliances and devices connected in order for these to communicate with each other and with the homeowner. As long as it utilizes electricity, it can be connected to the home's network and respond at your control. May it be by computer, remote control or by voice, the home network responds once you command it. With this kind of automation, it would be like having a personal assistant who is always at your beck and call. Common systems that are linked to each other include lighting system, entertainment, home theater, thermostat regulation and home security.

The Evolution of the Automated Home Network

In previous years, the ones who could afford having their homes automated are the really wealthy homeowners who belong to the upper class of society. However, with the developments in electronics and technology, more and more homeowners are now able to afford converting their homes into automated ones. Though it is still relatively expensive, it is now not as costly as it used to be.

The smart home technology was created in 1975, when X10 was developed by a company based in Scotland. X10 was then a new technology that allowed compatible appliances and devices to communicate with each other over existing electricity wires installed inside a home. All of the devices and appliances act as receivers and keypads or remote controls act as transmitters. For instance, turning a lamp off in another room by using the remote control will enable to control to send out a numerical code message carrying out the command. Despite it being a revolutionary technology, the X10 had some limitations. Some of these limitations include an unreliable communication on electrical lines. Either an X10 device can interpret the command or it will not receive it at all. In attempts to overcome this limitation, other newer home technologies have emerged. These new technologies now make use of radio waves instead of power lines, much like how cellular phone signals and wifi operates, but better. These home technologies are called as Z-Wave and ZigBee, and are both mesh networks. Mesh networks provide a number of ways for the message to reach its destination.

Products and Function of a Smart Home

Most smart homes include the following devices:

Cameras that monitor the exterior of the house, regardless of whether it is dark or not. Motion sensors that sends out an alert whenever there is unusual motion around the house. Door handles that open by scanning fingerprints or a numerical code, instead of the conventional house keys. These are just some of the security features that smart homes offer.

Global Project Management

With the advent of globalisation has made it all the more difficult for traditional project management to meet the ever changing business requirements. Through traditional project management it is becoming virtually impossible to tackle the challenges faced by contemporary projects in this new-fangled globalized economy. Nowadays projects are highly complicated and it is not only the humanistic kinetics that is generating a modern form of dilemmas for project managers. Technical know-how, framework, regimentation, codification, fluctuating imperatives, statecraft, the degree of modulations and the need to manage resources situated in distributed environments: multifarious determinants bestow to modeling complicated project settings. Some scholars have expostulated that the concussion of convolution on projects is so extravagant that saving cutting-edge dispositions are exploited that acquiesce conventional project management accessions to acclimate, project comptrollers will be reduced as inconsequential to the avant-garde professional setting.

Now we are going to jot down the global trends contributing to the significance of Global Project Management but which is my no means exhaustive.

Denudating of merchantry fortifications:

Merchantry fortifications are propositions that bureaucracies or social jurisdictions acquaint to fabricate alien appurtenances or dispensations less emulous than provincially developed appurtenances or dispensations. Not whole enchilada that counteracts or delimitates business can be delineated as a merchantry fortification.

But the modern globalized economy is experiencing a deluge of measures and reforms from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of different nations to remove the trade barriers so as to dispense an increased exposition route to advanced and advancing countries in the segment of farming, manufactured commodities and dispensations.

One of the key palpability of modernized economy is globalisation which is to aggrandize its impingement. But there must be superlative fairness for nations in international fete, if the benedictions of globalisation are to be realized more vividly. Henceforth decimating of merchantry fortifications is imperative to realize this

Worldwide Amplification in Trade:

Now is the time of worldwide transfiguration and alteration fashioned feasible by coordination and systematization modernization. A period when the most nominal organisations can grapple with their major counterparts-perhaps with the ascendancy of being more dexterous and expeditious to clinch favourable contingency.

Global expansion in business, in majority of the nations, epitomizes a significant contribution of their GDP (gross domestic product). The consequence of amplified mechanization, conveyance and dissemination devices have resulted in this hastening inclination of the growth of the corporations which are already seeking beyond the borders of regions so that their seaward revenues are commencing to outdo domestic acquisition.

Renovated Worldwide Dissemination:

Furtherance in mechanization has induced multifarious fashionable procedures of computerized dissemination, such as blogging, tweeting, social networking websites, audio and video conferences. The aggrandizement of computerized dissemination has aided to annihilate temporal length of event or entity's existence and remoteness as impediments to elucidation. Multifarious segments of community including business got profited from this advancement.

Technical know-how has elevated the deluge of elucidation within the enterprise. It is well advised to exhilarate an affliction website through the organisation's Intranet so as to receive productive feedback from their associates.

Consolidation & Procuration:

A promoter may germinate its trade either by intramural amplification or by extraneous augmentation. In the case of intramural amplification, an enterprise flourishes imperceptibly over the course of time, through procuration of neoteric holdings, restoration of the abstruse anachronistic accessories and the endowment of contemporary silhouette of commodities. But in extraneous augmentation, an enterprise obtains a functioning industry and flourishes fleetingly through amalgamated consolidation. These blends are in the kind of consolidations, procuration, affiliation, and annexation and contribute a significant part in collaborative reconstitution. They are prevailing due to the fact that there are heightened candidacy, dismantling of commercial obstacles, gratuitous effusion of resources across nations and pandemic trade of commerce.

All those determinants mentioned herein have led to the globalisation of business and the aggrandized clamor for Global Project Management to cater to the various diversified needs of the modern trade.

Now we should try to define what is exactly meant by Global Project Management and how it helps or benefits the Project Managers and different organisations to reap reach dividends from it. Even though it seems quite difficult to define Global Project Management in few sentences as there are different schools of thoughts regarding this definition but still we will try to portray a resourceful, cynical definition which will illustrate the essence of Global Project Management.

Definition of Global Project Management:

A fleeting fling embarked upon to generate an emblematic contrivance or dispensation through the fraternization of divergent countries and delicacies globally. Those assignments, in which abetment or engrossment is endeavored or accomplished from a specific or more than one nations outside the domestic boundaries in which they are performed or executed.

It proffers perpetual professional avuncular and executive consultation for exorbitant spectrum assignments, trade endowment and inventive commodity acquirement or evolvement.

In addition to the acquiring and merchandising of commodities, Global Project Management is also accountable for the imperative devising for customer's proliferation administration artifice. Materializing exorbitant spectrum assignments, endowment or commodity obtainment/advancement can be an alarming expectancy, particularly when it's on an ecumenical scale, but efficient Global Project Management helps in accomplishing the daunting mission which may seem impossible at the initial stage.

Now we will try to illustrate briefly some of the key benefits of Global Project Management.

Subsided Expenditure Operations:

Handling expenditure is the quintessence of Global Project Management. It can ingurgitate exorbitance proportions, depreciate per capita expenditure, and escalate fiscal contingencies over an expansive count of expositions. It can bestow organisations to ensconce subsided-expenditure fructification outfits in bearings near to natural resources and/or inexpensive endeavor.

Regulating Your Foundation Over the Globe:

One of the significant reasons why Global Project Management could facilitate an organisation is that, by means of diversification administration accession the regulation of an organisation's worldwide labyrinth methodologies, architectonics and dispensation stratums can be attained (hence safeguarding more accretions and effectiveness advancements).

Elevated Bottom-line Potential:

One of the chief reasons for organisation to shift from Traditional Project Management to Global Project Management is the elevated bottom-line potential. With successful Global Project Management the organisation would be able to observe and devise endeavor and paraphernalia and disquisitions and chronicles that are apparently not difficult, would be able to expeditiously figure out the fine points that will recognize concerns before they turn into dilemmas. This would result in increasing the profit potential of the said organisation.

Infiltration of Untried Marketplaces:

Global Project Management helps in devising strategies which would help the concerned organisation to infiltrate into untried markets. Instead of undertaking the contingency and expenditure of innovating or ameliorating subsisting artifacts and dispensations, organisations can explicate their trade towards untouched marketplaces or fresh sections of existing marketplaces.

Ingress to Personnel Capital:

An organisation's associates are its precious resources theblox.co. Executing, cultivating, and advocating this principal capital is cardinal for a firm to perform at culminating level of effectiveness and not just adhere to-but outstrip-its aspirations, intentions and promises. Global Project Management's accountability is to assist organisations accomplish their adequate quiescent by embellishing associate dispensations and commitment, economies of scale, and materializing an imperative advent to human resources.

The application of inventive Global Project Management techniques pledge to have a sagacious and pervasive consequence on how project are supervise in modern days. These methodologies accredit organisations obtain the principal constituent to flourish in any type of trade - they aid organisations accomplish superior resolutions in an accelerated manner. Global Project Management provides an elevated fertility thrust to project comptrollers and their crews.

Nowadays, the Global Project Management panorama is fluctuating, creating refreshing ambitious ascendancies for organisations. While some of the organisations are still grappling with the pitfalls of conventional project management artifices, the smart ones are evolving into a more cunning and inventive by taking advantages of the opportunities provided by the new avenues of Global Project Management.

Curing Video Game Addiction

Are you a Video Game Addict?

Do you find yourself lounging in your comfy chair and playing your favorite video game for hours? But you think it is not really that bad, as long as your Human Paladin levels up. Then you realize you haven't taken a bath for quite a few days and your clothes started to stink. But then again, you think that an Orc Berserker smells worse than you. Then you stole a quick glimpse around your pad and noticed how messy and littered it has been. Again you shrugged it off and think there can still be worst places like the dreaded Frozen Undead Realms. Finally, your friends dumped you for not spending time with them. With this final straw of annoyance, you proudly yell, "I don't need friends, I have my Undead Legions!"

Surely this might be an exaggerated sign of Video Game Addiction, but sadly some video game addicts do exhibit such exaggerated reactions, to some extent that some commits suicide when something happens untoward to their game.

Video game addiction is simply defined as an excessive or compulsive use of computers and video games that interferes with daily life. Despite displaying symptoms that are characteristic of other addictions, video game addiction has not been given a diagnostic status by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). These behaviors include failure to stop playing games, difficulties in work and school, lying to loved ones, decreased attention to personal hygiene, decreased attention to family and friends, and disturbances in the sleep cycle.

But, hey, let's be hopeful. Having a video game addiction doesn't mean it's the end of the world. There's still a way out of it but it would need a large amount of work and willpower.

Steps in "Curing" Video Gaming Addiction

Since there is no formal diagnosis for video gaming addiction, there is still no approved therapy or method of curing video gaming addiction. But there are some ways a video game addict can do to help in alleviating video game addiction. Here are some of those suggested means:

Limit your GAME TIME.

Set a specific time and duration for playing on your gaming system. Limit your game time to at most 1-2 hours per day. It will be hard at first, but when your body has adapted to it, it will be easy as a normal daily activity. In other for you too easily adapt to it, try thinking about your game time as a reward for doing your other activities.

Make sure that you tell your friends, parents, or siblings about your plan to limit your gaming time. Provide them with a specific timetable of the gaming schedule you have in mind. In that way they can easily check-up on you and monitor if you are following your desired gaming time schedules.

Limiting your game time not only frees a large amount of time for you to pursue other activities besides playing games, it also corrects your biological clock (which is attuned to gaming over long period of hours) slowly.

Dispose of your GAME MACHINES.

If you are really so determined to cure your video game addiction and would do anything to achieve such a feat, then there's only one thing to do-dispose your GAME MACHINES. These game machines can range from video game consoles, mobile game machines, PCs, among others. But whatever it may be if you have really decided to dispose of them then do it, as soon as possible so that you won't be tempted to use it.

You can sell these game consoles for a price at your local stores or to your friends who have been eyeing it for ages. You can try to hide it in the attic or somewhere which is not easily accessible to you. You can also try to give it away as presents to your friends or family members, like your nieces and nephews. If you are giving it away, try to give it to someone who is far from you.

Dispose only game machines that you own. Ask or explain to your parents and friends that you are disposing your game machines and started to turn a new leaf.

Try other activities.

Whether you try the first or second suggestion, you will observe that you will now have an activity vacuum with the result of limiting you gaming time or disposing your gaming consoles. Lots of spare times to try new activities like the ones before:

Study - Now you have enough time to catch up with your failing grades and unattended studies. You can start reviewing over your notes or prepare for your big quizzes and tests. Start opening those school books and don't let the bookworms get the most out of it. A good education is better than a good game.

Read - As long as it is not an FAQ or strategy guide to your favorite game, then reading could be another great and fun way to pursue. Try reading the latest news on the newspaper; you will be shock at how much happenings you have missed. You can also try reading books in the library, you might know more about the Greek Gods than the game narrator in your game console.

Hang-out - Hang-out with your friends and family members bloometa.com. I guess it's about time you patched up with them after a long time of isolating yourself with your game console. Engage and chat with them, ask them how they have been and what they are up to now. Finally, be humble enough to ask forgiveness for taking them for granted.

No matter what the suggestions or methods are of riding or curing video gaming addiction, it will never work unless the person is dedicated to change himself/herself. DEDICATION and MOTIVATION are the key for these suggestions to be successful.

Ways to Invest for Capital Gains

6 Ways to Make Capital Gains

There are basically two types of investment income. Capital Gains and Investment Income.

Investment income is income you receive from an asset, examples of investment income is interest on savings, rent from property, and dividends from shares.

Capital gains is the increased value of an asset; examples of capital gains is the increased value of property, shares, and other assets.

Some investments provide capital gains but no income; examples of these are precious metals such as gold, bitcoin, antiques and other collectable items.

Here are investments which provide Capital Gains:

The Sharemarket

The sharemarket offers excellent opportunities for capital gain. For most people, investing directly into the markets is not an option because the transaction fees once taken out for buying and selling shares make it not worth their while, however, there are plenty of managed funds investors with limited means can participate in. Sharesies in New Zealand is one. Investors can drip feed money into the markets with Sharesies and there is the option of investing in various funds or individual companies. Other similar types of platforms in New Zealand are Investnow, Kernelwealth, and Hatch. These are not the only ones though.

Your retirement scheme invests in managed (Mutual Funds) and they are also a form of Capital Gains. In New Zealand joining Kiwisaver is a no brainer. Kiwisaver is New Zealand's retirement scheme.


The property market has been a popular Captain Gains tool for a lot of investors using not only their money but other people's money in the form of a loan. Income is gained from rents which pays for the mortgage. All related costs are the most popular form of capital gains and the easiest one for the novice investor to get their toe wet in the markets and learn as you go because there are several mutual funds which are available and the start-up costs are minimal. In New Zealand Sharesies only costs $1 to get into which gives you the chance to invest in managed funds or individual companies. It is a great way for tax-deductible. This type of investment can turn to custard such as wayward tenants. If you are prepared to take the risk then this investment may suit.

Your own home is a good source of Capital Gains if you intend to sell at some point.

Another way to get in on the property ladder is to purchase shares in property investment companies in the sharemarket. This can be done by investing in individual companies or managed funds which invest in property.

Compound Interest

You must have heard of compound interest; that is when you invest in fixed term accounts for x% interest. Instead of receiving your interest payments into your bank account you let them be added on to your principal and you earn interest on your principal and previous interest payments. This is called compounded interest.

The increase to your capital is called "Capital Gains."

Interest rates are very low at present (2020); in some instances lower than the inflation rate which makes this kind of investing less attractive. It is important therefore to do your due-diligence and not be enticed by some finance company offering higher interest rates than normal, because with higher interest rates comes higher risk. These finance companies offering higher interest rates lend to higher risk types of borrowers.

I am not saying that you should not invest your money in these companies but rather do your due diligence and at least diversify your portfolio rather than investing all of your life savings into the one company.


This one is purely speculative but can be a good hedge against a downturn in the markets. The one drawback with gold is finding a place to store it. Another way to invest in gold is buying gold stocks in the sharemarket. Purchasing gold coins from auction sites such as eBay and Trademe is another option. As with other investments it pays to do your homework and read all you can about gold and other precious metals.

Crypto Currency

Crypto currency such as Bitcoin and the like should be treated as speculative investments, therefore, only invest money in this if you can afford to lose it. What I am saying is use your discretionary income to purchase crypto currency. This type of investing can be a rollercoaster but one piece of advice which may be useful is to not just purchase all your crypto currency in one transaction but to do on a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis so that there is a chance that you have made a purchase when the currency is low. It is called averaging.


Investing in collectibles can give you a sense of satisfaction and profit when you intend to sell. You really have to know your stuff when dealing in antiques. Always remember, something is only worth what others are prepared to pay for kryptview.com. If someone is prepared to pay $1,000 for a painting at auction then that is what it is worth, however, if another painting is sold at auction for just $10, then that is it's worth. The value of something is only a matter of opinion.

Recently (2020), some Banksy paintings sold for over $100,000 in New Zealand. The seller of the paintings paid a total of $500 for them in London (UK) some years earlier. It just shows how one's eye for a bargain can be profitable.

For smaller items such as postage stamps, bank notes, beer labels, and so forth collectors can list their duplicates on auction websites to help fund their hobby.


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